Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just Artsy.


Here is a photo I took about a month ago outside my apartment. I cropped the sides of the image for a towering feeling. Let me know what you see. Art? abstract? Tree? :-)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Greyson film


So I finally dug this image out of my gazillion old negatives from my Canon EOS 3. Lo and behold I found the long lost image I took during the Greyson CD cover shoot from 2007. This image didn't make it onto the CD but it has been used for promo posters for the band on Greyson's Myspace
This was about a ten minute exposure taken that 2007 winter. It was about 12 degrees that night on the parking deck. Great Times. :-)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

November 2008


Hello everyone. Winter is getting closer to ending YAY! This image was taken on one of the few nice days we had in November last year. I did not include the bridge in this photo because I don't like the color they chose....Grey. It jut blends into the sky and it loses that Peoria Riverfront feeling it used to have. I say Bring Back the RED BRIDGE!! Otherwise, the IMAX Theater in Peoria will be nice too. :-) May is a good time for Graduation Photographs so please pass the word that I am currently scheduling for this spring for Seniors and Graduates. Have a great weekend. Please check out the galleries at <<<<<<